Joe Torre

Spoke Too Soon - Manny Ramirez Delt To Dodgers

I underestimated the Red Sox. I thought they would try hard for a 3-way deal to get rid of Manny, see it fail, and then tell the disgruntled outfielder that they 'really tried...sorry, Manny.' But no, they had a beautiful backup plan. Instead of a 3-way deal between Boston, Miami, and Pittsburgh, we have a 3-way deal between Boston, Los Angeles, and Pittsburgh.

Boston sends Manny Ramirez to LA after paying the $7 Million reamining on his final year. The Dodgers send 2 minor league prospects to the Pirates. The Red Sox send backup outfielder Brandon Moss and reliever Crag Hansen to the Pirates. And the Pirates send 30 year-old outfielder Jason Bay to the Sox to replace Manny.

So Manny will be playing for Joe Torre. Serves him right. If you bad-mouth the team that loves you, cuts you slack, protects your privacy, and pays your salary, then you don't deserve to play in Boston. Manny and Nomar can hang together while the Dodgers clearly have paid too much for a 2-month rental. Thanks, LA. You've been really kind to us Bostonians this year.

Manny Ramirez is a future hall of famer. I really wanted to see him finish his career with Boston. But his two MLBCS rings and series MVP will assure that he enters the Hall of Fame with a B on his plaque. I will also miss him because he was from the hood next door to me - Washington Heights. His Indians jersey and photographs hang on the wall of Coogans. He's one of us New Yorkers. We will always be proud of him.