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The Cruelest Administration In Over 150 Years?

We have to pause and acknowledge it sometimes: Donald Trump is cruel. He loves seeing violence inflicted on people. He loves to see our cities burn. He throws baseless, terrible accusations on people, and hopes they land hard. He likes to see people drown in hurricanes, and perish in wildfires. He likes blaming the victims of disasters while claiming to be an expert on them. He is a sociopath. And he loves being cruel. He’s the cruelest president since Andrew Johnson (1865-1869). Or how about 183 years, the presidency of Andrew Jackson (1829-1837)?

Other modern presidents have slaughtered millions abroad, through direct war, war by proxy or support of totalitarian regimes. I’m talking about a president being cruel to people on US soil. Trump is unprecedented.

Many of Trump’s domestic policies are cruel for the sake of being cruel. With Trump, the cruelty is the point.

Will his cruelty ever catch up to him? Will Trump ever get what we deserves? I continue to doubt it. He exists to make us miserable and to destroy our republic. If we cared about our nation, we would have arrested him for fraud and money laundering before 2015. And if he somehow still became president, we would have removed him from office.

Trump’s purpose is to destroy the nation and its institutions. We let him do it.