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Get On It, Tidley!

Tidley? As in Tidley Winks? Was that something that Daddy Fred Trump used to say?

Anyway, President Fuckface Von Clownstick might not remember, but there was a day in April 2017 when he badly wanted NASA to land humans on Mars. He badly wanted it to happen in the fall of 2020, so it would cap an incredible first term and assure a triumphant re-election.

What's the problem? You build a ship, put some astronauts in it, and send it off to the Red Planet. Oh, and make sure it arrives there on time for the Orange One's triumphant November 2020 re-election. Get on that right away Tidley!

The US news media was so damn dizzy from Trump’s lies that his demand of NASA is only being re-examined now, nearly two years later.

Come to think of it, a shit ton is being re-examined. This is like the start of the third act of a film noir or thriller, where the heroine or detective hero thinks back and realizes that he overlooked some key clues that can get this saga wrapped-up. A montage of images and voices fly by. Trump is crazier than we thought. Well, of course he was.

And someone get him Hogan Tidley! Sanders is done. Tidley is on it.