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The GOP Is What It Says On The Tin

Autocracy. Fascism. Threats of violence. Lies. Xenophobia. Homophobia. Transphobia. Physical violence.

It is all on the tin. The GOP is what they say they are.

This nation is doomed, partly because liberals and progressives like me sit and say nothing when the GOP explicitly tells us what it wants to do: abolish queer people, strip rights from women, inflict more suffering on the poor, drain the public wealth (like cutting public school budgets and diverting local tax revenue to charter schools), and use outrage and violence to win votes.

The GOP relies on manufactured outrage, instability and conspiracy fanatics to stay alive. That includes QAnon, sovereign citizens, the people who will never get over the short pandemic lockdowns, and right wing militias (Boogaloo Boys, Three Percenters, Proud Boys, Oathkeepers).

And there are the abhorrent policies. Just last week, over 20 South Carolina legislators co-signed a bill to put women to death if they terminate their pregnancies. That’s one-sixth of their state legislature, putting forward something that the Taliban or Saudi Arabia would enforce. And I’m just supposed to fucking sit there silently, and listen to Michelle Obama’s new podcast? In 2016 and 2020, she told us to “go high,” but what she really meant is avoid confrontation. She might as well have told us to just sit there and take fascism and oppression from the red states.

Fuck that. I am fighting. Is anyone with me?
