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The USA Has Locked-In Its Madness

Here is a question for all the leftists and real liberals out there: Who wants to quit their day job and run for a school board, city/town/county council, community board or some other small local government seat?


Well, thanks a fucking lot, you lazy bums, because very disturbed people with lots of time on their hands are taking those seats, right now.

I have seen some mighty conspiracy theories in my time in the USA, which spans everything since Nixon. But it is becoming increasingly clear that QAnon is the most significant since 1973. It encompasses so many former conspiracies like ZOG, the UN, black helicopters and the New World Order. QAnon is massive. It has gone global. It’s so big, it’s a political movement fueled by its own bundle of conspiracy theories, all twisting to and from each other.

It is the Q faithful who are running for local seats. In red states. In blue states. In colonies. Everywhere in the USA, and especially in school board elections. It is locking in the madness. In the choice between normal and crazy, the US has chosen the latter. The US has always lost its mind. But it seems to be so far gone now. We’re being radicalized whether we know it or not.

Sarah Huckabee Sanders’ State of the Union response had more than a few subtle references to QAnon. And while we now have students who can accurately say they have attended both a high school and a university where a high-profile mass shooting has taken place, the QAnon fanatics are on a mission to make sure that students are not taught history nor enjoy the freedom to be themselves. Shootings? Screw that. They want the children to be taught that white people are nothing but good, and that Democrats and Jews are demonic killers of children.

The madness is locked-in. There’s no getting out. Unless, you, good Liberal reader, want to run for your local school board. But you value your life, bank account, sanity and your time. The people now taking those seats do not.