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Get Off Our Televisions

Dr. Anthony Fauci has caused more harm than good. He needs to go.

In March 2020, millions of Americans were asking if they should wear face masks as a means to help prevent the spread of SARS-CoV-2. I had attended my last, crowded, indoor party on Saturday March 7. On the next day, Sunday March 8, Dr. Fauci was interviewed by 60 Minutes. He was asked if Americans should start wearing masks. He replied, “there’s no reason to be walking around with a mask.” Of course, he changed his messaging a month later. But this mistake was enough for me. Fauci could not be trusted. He couldn’t tell the truth to the public. He balked.

For the next year, Fauci danced around Donald Trump, trying to prevent being fired. And why? Why was it so important for Fauci to remain on the job? And how many people had to die due to his mixed messaging as he tiptoed around Trump, trying not to set off the president’s rage?

And now Dr. Fauci is in the middle of a non-stop media campaign, telling Americans that vaccine supplies will be strong by April, and that children as young as six can get the vaccines by September. Both of these claims are not backed by the evidence, the research, or the reality on the ground.

I get it. Dr. Anthony Fauci is window dressing. He’s the cheerleader for defeating the pandemic. He’s public relations. But let’s be clear: he does not deserve to be idolized. He has made too many mistakes. And more important, he never called out Trump’s lies while people died. He’s not a profile in courage. He's a profile in career preservation. He just danced and dodged so he could outlast Trump and finish his career under a president who was competent. But he didn't have to. He could have resigned in protest. But he didn't.

Ship him to sea. Get off our televisions, Doctor.