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For Dianne Feinstein, The Senate Is Just A Club

I have tried hard to find a photo of Feinstein wearing a mask in 2020. I can’t find one. She has breezed through a pandemic year without one.

Marie Solis over at Jezebel said it best: Thanks for nothing, Dianne Feinstein.

Senator Feinstein has spent a long Senate career accomplishing astonishingly little for the people of California and the United States. Her conception of the job seems to be that a Senator's prime responsibility is to be collegial with her colleagues, and reassure them that disagreements needn't be handled disagreeably, and the feelings of Republicans mustn't be hurt. In that sense of the job, she's been a smashing success.

So she agreeably went along with George Bush's greatest brain fart, the war against the people of Iraq. And she helped guarantee that none of our brave, CIA heroes were called to account for the kidnappings and torture that characterized our "War on Terror ". Spying on the citizens of the United States? Wire taps, surveillance, arbitrary arrests of Muslims, the atrocities of Abu Graib, the stain of Guantanamo? None of these things ever interfered with Feinstein's goal of a happy and friendly Senate.

I hope this means that California's senior senator is not running for re-election in 2022. Dear Diane has done more than enough. It's past time she returns to the Golden State.