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American Totalitarianism Started In 2019

The arrival of Bill Barr. The suppression of the Mueller report. Trump’s secret police. The destruction of the US Postal Service. Voter suppression. The Bible moment (preceded by tear gas). The transparent requests to throw out urban votes (and by urban, I really do mean black).

Democracies are not guaranteed to live forever. They can die. We saw American democracy die a little in 2000 with Bush v. Gore. We saw several more stages of death in the last two years.

It would take an effort of colossal proportions to prevent the republic from dying. The nation is sliding down a deadly slope. One idea to rescue it is to open it up to a new wave of massive immigration. Bring in over 300 Million hard working people to turn it around and fund all new infrastructure and a new surge in education funding. I am not a big fan of Matthew Yglasias, a young pundit who has been incorrect so many times before (or is that Ezra Klein? Oh, it’s Ezra. I get all my millenial pundits confused!). But Yglasias does have a point. Every time the US has had a wave of significant immigration, the nation has gotten stronger and the quality of life has improved. There’s no guarantee that it would work the next time. However, the historical track record is well-established.

If pushing for a doubling of the US population seems like an impossible task, then you have a grasp of how difficult it will be to save the republic. Because something quite radical is required to save it. Any radical change would require a colossal effort that I don’t think we’re capable of - even the activists and progressives among us.