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I See A Dark Short-Term Future

I'm not worried about the media spinning a poor Trump debate performance into a comeback story. What our media has always done is normalize him. That's far worse. The media normalizes his truly insane statements. He could tweet to his followers to kill Biden and Harris and the media would report, in a calm, normal tone, "In a controversial tweet, the president called for this killings of his opponents.”

That’s what worries me. Once the media calls Florida for Biden, right wing death squads will descend upon boards of elections and ballot counting centers. There will be massacres of vote counters and innocent Democrats in a desperate attempt to prevent what we all know is coming.

Here is what’s coming: Trump is going to lose big. He might lose by over 100 electoral votes. Go play with an interactive Electoral College map. Give Trump Texas and Ohio, sure. Heck give him the Carolinas. But he has already lost Georgia and Florida. I repeat: he has already lost Georgia and Florida! My toy map has Biden winning 334 to 203!

It’s over and he knows it, and that's what makes him so dangerous right now.

While the Proud Boys, Oathkeepers, KKK and Aryan Nations are conducting their post-election day massacres, Trump will flee for a condo in Turkey, Israel, Saudi Arabia or Russia to become the first US president to live out the rest of his days in exile. And while that happens, our media will bend over backwards to describe the massacres by white nationalist groups as "clashes between left and right wing extremists."

On a similar note, protecting the vaccine supply and supply chain is going to be a top priority of the Biden administration. Imagine a violent landscape in which right wing anti-vaccine gangs attacking trucks and trains carrying the vaccine - no because they want to steal it, but because they don't want the vaccine distributed. This is not some wild scenario. This is something the FBI is thinking about. Same with right wing gangs attacking boards of elections and ballot counting centers on election night. The NYPD shouldn't worry about us lefties marching. They should be worried about right wing death squads coming in to stop the counts. Unless that's what the NYPD wants, since they are aligned with Trump.

That is our future two weeks from now. Stay inside and stay safe.